The decison to implement tolls on the A22 expressway in The Algarve is still in limbo. A meeting as held on the 14th June where a 'strategy' was set however we still await the decision with the forecast this will be made soon. usual Portuguese ambiguity Im affraid.
Opposition parties have already prepared an injunction in readiness so my guess is this has some way to run and we wont see the tolls implemented for this Summer season.
The major concern for the Algarve residents in the effect on the Algarve economy which is highly dependent on tourism. With an avergae charge forecast to be 7 euros from Faro to Portimao the N125 looks like it could get busy should these be implemented.
My personal view is the avaerage tourist to The Alagrve would not be put off by an additional 7 euros to be transfered afetr all it is the price of 2 pints of Sagres over a fortnight...peanuts.
Any comments or views would be welcome
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